Your cyber intelligence source



One way cybercriminals obtain the resources and connections they need to engage in their activities is through the Internet underground or “dark web.” Definitions of the Internet underground may vary, but to Secureworks, it means the collection of Internet forums, digital shop fronts and chat rooms that cybercriminals use to form alliances, trade tools and techniques, and sell compromised data that can include banking details, personally identifiable information and other content.

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    Mike McLellan Senior Security Researcher, Secureworks Counter Threat Unit™ (CTU)

Your email system is usually your weakest point of entry for ransomware attackers with 98% of phishing malware entering  via email.  How can you close this backdoor to your systems and avoid becoming a victim? Listen to our webinar to identify your weakspots – and discover how to strengthen them.

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    Steven Malone Director of Product Management for security services, Mimecast