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Everything you need to know about digital signatures

The process of signing and signatures has always been susceptible to fraud but as technology has progressed, the act of signing has become far more secure than in the past, to the point where wet signatures can be considered more risky compared to digital signatures, especially in the context of remote business.

In this long-read article, in association with Entrust, we look at why digital signatures are so paramount for security, and the connection it has with PKI.

Many countries around the world have adopted digital signatures as a means of capturing consent and approval on digital documents, but also to secure the authenticity of transactions, documents, and contracts. 

But what most people don’t know is that digital signatures and electronic signatures aren’t synonyms. While an electronic signature is a generic term to represent a consent that was recorded electronically, a digital signature is a specific type of electronic signature that uses PKI (public key infrastructure) technology, which comes with significant benefits in terms of security and legal recognition.

Knowing what types of signatures your organisation needs to collect influences the technology and processes you need to deploy. This special report looks at signatures so you can choose the right one for your organisation.
