Your cyber intelligence source

Good news at last: hackers are slower than us

Good news at last: hackers are slower than us

We’re all used to gloom and doom, political upheaval, pandemic woes, economic cliff-edges and all sorts of macro risks that, sometimes, we forget to look at the stuff that’s going right. To brighten this January, here’s one such example: hackers are failing to keep up with the pace of new vulnerabilities found in software and hardware.

Yes: we’re winning.

According to new research from Kenna Security, since 2011, the number of total vulnerabilities discovered per year has exploded from 4,100 to more than 17,500 in 2020. But the proportion of vulnerabilities hackers have weaponised has not kept up.

This means that security researchers are getting better at finding bugs before the hackers do and also means more time for vendors to fix flaws.

Big numbers, lower rates

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How to Automate the Lifecycle of Joiners, Movers, and Leavers With No-Code Solutions

Streamlining the lifecycle of joiners, movers, and leavers using no-code automation

The process of onboarding new employees and quickly removing departing staff profiles can be both time-consuming and labour-intensive.
In this live webinar, we will look at how to streamline these processes to save time and resources, and providing a smooth experience for both admins and employees.

Key takeaways:
  • Understanding the importance of securing the joiners, movers and leavers process
  • Exploring successful attacks that occurred due to errors in managing these transitions
  • Discover which advanced controls can be utilized
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