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How to reduce fraud: cooperation and a dedicated strategy

 How to reduce fraud: cooperation and a dedicated strategy

It’s a simple idea, but difficult to put in place: let’s work together to combat the criminals. Crime researcher, lecturer and consultant Chris Allen takes a look at a new piece of research offering all organisations guidance… and hope.

How do you become a better criminal? As in, how do you get better at crime (as opposed to turn to the Good Side)? 

A maxim throughout the realm of organised crime: you get better results if various stakeholders engage with each other in an unrestrained manner, without political strategy and organisational culture getting in the way.

And so it is true when it comes to security.

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How to Automate the Lifecycle of Joiners, Movers, and Leavers With No-Code Solutions

Streamlining the lifecycle of joiners, movers, and leavers using no-code automation

The process of onboarding new employees and quickly removing departing staff profiles can be both time-consuming and labour-intensive.
In this live webinar, we will look at how to streamline these processes to save time and resources, and providing a smooth experience for both admins and employees.

Key takeaways:
  • Understanding the importance of securing the joiners, movers and leavers process
  • Exploring successful attacks that occurred due to errors in managing these transitions
  • Discover which advanced controls can be utilized
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