Your cyber intelligence source


We’re all used to gloom and doom, political upheaval, pandemic woes, economic cliff-edges and all sorts of macro risks that, sometimes, we forget to look at the stuff that’s going right. To brighten this January, here’s one such example: hackers are failing to keep up with the pace of new vulnerabilities found in software and hardware.

The NHS is slowly replacing old, vulnerable technology, a new report reveals. And it’s an issue we all face. How do you keep complex systems up-to-date? How do you balance the importance of patching with the risk of disruption? And when does fit-for-purpose become dangerously outdated?

Billions of Bluetooth devices are vulnerable to attack according to new research, leaving business data on mobile devices and IoT systems open to compromise by attackers. Being aware of this is one thing, successfully protecting is a whole other challenge…

Heavily downloaded, built at speed in the middle of a pandemic… should you feel comfortable recommending to staff they download the new track-and-trace app – or does the cyber-risk outweigh the virus gain? SC Media sent Davey Winder to investigate…