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Five of the best resources on cybercrime for 2021

Five of the best resources on cybercrime for 2021

Chris Allen, organised crime researcher, lecturer and consultant, picks five must-reads for any cybersecurity professional

It was Sun Tzu who said “to know your enemy you must become your enemy”. This is just as accurate a concept in fifth century China when he published the Art of War as it is in the 21st century where the battlegrounds have moved online and the strategies and tactics enemies are using are constantly evolving.

As a cybersecurity leader, you need to be the authority on the threats your company faces. While there are a myriad anti-virus and tech publications providing snapshots of what’s happening, when it comes to detail you can’t beat a book.

Here are five of the best that will improve your knowledge and make you think differently about your professional world. Often cybersecurity can become abstract: these provide a sense of the reality behind the threat – and give it a human face.

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How to Automate the Lifecycle of Joiners, Movers, and Leavers With No-Code Solutions

Streamlining the lifecycle of joiners, movers, and leavers using no-code automation

The process of onboarding new employees and quickly removing departing staff profiles can be both time-consuming and labour-intensive.
In this live webinar, we will look at how to streamline these processes to save time and resources, and providing a smooth experience for both admins and employees.

Key takeaways:
  • Understanding the importance of securing the joiners, movers and leavers process
  • Exploring successful attacks that occurred due to errors in managing these transitions
  • Discover which advanced controls can be utilized
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