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What you can do about a stressed and stretched cybersecurity workforce

More than half (54 per cent) of IT security professionals had either left a job due to overwork or burnout, or worked with someone who did, according to the latest Chartered Institute of Information Security (CIISec)’s The Security Profession 2019-2020 report. 

The survey highlights the need for management to tackle this growing crisis facing the industry.

The report pointed to potential causes and consequences. It said that security budgets are not keeping pace with the rising threat level – and when security teams are stretched during holidays or busy periods, 64 per cent said their businesses simply ‘hope to cope’ with fewer resources when necessary, while just over half would let routine or non-critical tasks slip.

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How to Automate the Lifecycle of Joiners, Movers, and Leavers With No-Code Solutions

Streamlining the lifecycle of joiners, movers, and leavers using no-code automation

The process of onboarding new employees and quickly removing departing staff profiles can be both time-consuming and labour-intensive.
In this live webinar, we will look at how to streamline these processes to save time and resources, and providing a smooth experience for both admins and employees.

Key takeaways:
  • Understanding the importance of securing the joiners, movers and leavers process
  • Exploring successful attacks that occurred due to errors in managing these transitions
  • Discover which advanced controls can be utilized
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