Last year, over $80 billion was spent on cyber security, yet two-thirds of organisations were still breached. The reason? 81% of data breaches involved weak, default or stolen passwords.
It seems that no matter what we do, there will always be a new strain of malware designed to give CISOs grief. It might be called Wanna Cry, Pytra or any of thousand different names but malware keeps evolving for a simple reason — it works.
Your email system is usually your weakest point of entry for ransomware attackers with 98% of phishing malware entering via email. How can you close this backdoor to your systems and avoid becoming a victim? Listen to our webinar to identify your weakspots – and discover how to strengthen them.
It is no exaggeration that enterprises can run in average 25 security products concurrently, as it is the case with financial services organisations, according to research firm Ovum. And yet sometimes, 25 products can be as good as zero.
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