Identifying the unknown

Identifying the unknown

Spotting Malicious Activity When Everything Else Fails

It is no exaggeration that enterprises can run in average 25 security products concurrently, as it is the case with financial services organisations, according to research firm Ovum. And yet sometimes, 25 products can be as good as zero.

Organisations can suffer from a false sense of security thinking they’re better protected than organisations running fewer security products. 

But in fact, it could be quite the opposite. Much like the law of diminishing returns, the more products, the more alerts, and the more alerts, the higher your chances are of wasting time investigating the same threat more than once—keeping you from focusing on other, more critical threats.

Join Golan Ben-Oni, Global Chief Information Officer at IDT Corporation, and Gil Barak, Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer at Secdo, as they show you how alerts can be streamlined to simplify threat hunting and find what would have otherwise been overlooked by other tools. Attendees will learn:

  • What is thread-level visibility and how it gives you a far more granular view into potential threats than user-level or kernel-level access to endpoint activity ever could
  • What steps can be taken to automate and simplify alert analysis to eliminate time spent chasing down redundant alerts and false positives
  • How to optimise your security workflow following an incident

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