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SC Europe Awards: New judges announced

The judging panel for SC Europe Awards 2023 continues to expand with Britain’s top cyber names

Following our biggest ever in-person awards last year, SC Media is now calling for entries in 2023.

This year’s awards will be judged by a refreshed panel of VIP judges and led once again by Chair of Judges Richard Starnes, chief cybersecurity strategist at Capgemini.

Starnes will oversee a panel of over 30 judges across 35 categories.

Our updated list of judges includes the following industry experts:

Ivan Sanchez Lopez Group CISO, Bupa

Katy Anton VP, security architecture, JPMorgan Chase

Alan Jenkins Managing director, Decipher Cyber Consulting Partners

Stuart Frost Head of enterprise security and risk management, Department for Work & Pensions

Victoria Baines Professor of IT, Gresham College

Rajinder Tumber MBE Security consultancy team lead Sky

Alexandra Godoi Information security GRC lead, Oxfam Security consultancy team lead Sky

Naveed Islam CISO, Paymentsense

Sophina Kio-Lawson Platform security engineer, Meta

Oz Alashe MBE CEO and founder, CybSafe

Raj Samani Chief scientist, Rapid 7

Theresa Lanowitz Head of cybersecurity evangelism, AT&T Business

Dr Jason Nurse Associate professor in cybersecurity, University of Kent and director of science and research, CybSafe University of Kent

For the full list of judges so far, click here 

What are our judges looking for?
This year, the panel will place focus on areas such as total cost-of-ownership, support, vendor interoperability, reporting, capabilities, training, company reputation and stability, in addition to the depth and quantity of security controls covered.

Bupa CISO Ivan Sanchez Lopez told SC Media: “I’m on the lookout for innovative and integrated solutions to tackle modern cyberthreats and complement and increase today’s lack of cybersecurity resources.”

Raj Samani, chief scientist, Rapid 7, said he’ll be looking for companies that “consider the customer” and, in particular, the measures taken to onboard them successfully.

According to UK government director Stuart Frost, he’s looking out for “uniqueness and simplicity” in the winning entries.

“A person or product that stands above the rest can make a real difference to the resilience of an organisation,” he said.

Meanwhile, industry veteran Alan Jenkins said: “Think value, not cost; think about the customer journey, not just to the point of sale but through life to decommissioning and disposal.

“Think about what success looks like for your customers; what effort they need to assign to get the most out of your offering and prove it to me.”

Practiced veterans and experts
Chair of judges Starnes said: “The judges panel is populated by well-known industry practitioners and executives, who view the products from both a strategic and operational view, encompassing the whole lifecycle.”

In terms of the winning entries, the Capgemi expert said the panel will be looking for the “whole package”.

To enter the 2023 SC Awards Europe or nominate a winner, click here

To see last year’s list of SC Awards Europe winners, click here

We look forward to celebrating your achievements live in person on stage in 2023.

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How to Automate the Lifecycle of Joiners, Movers, and Leavers With No-Code Solutions

Streamlining the lifecycle of joiners, movers, and leavers using no-code automation

The process of onboarding new employees and quickly removing departing staff profiles can be both time-consuming and labour-intensive.
In this live webinar, we will look at how to streamline these processes to save time and resources, and providing a smooth experience for both admins and employees.

Key takeaways:
  • Understanding the importance of securing the joiners, movers and leavers process
  • Exploring successful attacks that occurred due to errors in managing these transitions
  • Discover which advanced controls can be utilized
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