Interview - Secure email cloud: how to stay ahead of fast evolving cyber threats

Interview - Secure email cloud: how to stay ahead of fast evolving cyber threats

Insider threatsNetwork SecurityVulnerabilities and Flaws

Editor in chief at SC Media UK, Tony Morbin sat down with Seth Knox,  the vice president of product marketing at Agari, to discuss how to stay ahead of fast evolving cyber threats when we move to the cloud, especially when it comes to the secure email cloud.

The pair discuss the use of public cloud, the benefits and downfalls of a Secure Email Gateway and its integration with legacy systems, the use of predictive AI enabled email security and how we can become more agile, predictive and proactive with our defences to keep up with attackers who don’t have to worry about legal or regulatory compliance, customers or anything that stands in the way of profit. 

Watch the full video interview below.
