Interview - Formula 1 racing and stopping breaches

Interview - Formula 1 racing and stopping breaches

Network SecurityRegulation, Laws, GuidanceVulnerabilities and Flaws

Mercedes-AMG Petronas Motorsport manages huge amounts of information – each car produces 500 GB of data alone during an average Grand Prix weekend with a further 5-10 TB produced per week at the factory. Their operations are founded on a complex network of geographically dispersed workforce and facilities, opening up exposure to cyberattacks. 

That's where CrowdStrike comes in. They solve these challenges by enabling critical threat protection by immediate seamless deployments across thousands of endpoints – all via their native cloud architecture. 

Watch our video interview with SC's Tony Morbin and Mercedes-AMG Petronas Motorsport's Head of IT, Matt Harris, to expand more on the protection of the Formula One team in the paddock and beyond...
