Your cyber intelligence source

Enterprise defence at the speed of data

Today’s threats are relentless. While the internet has enabled a global economy to explode, it has also made it easier than ever to access and steal data through connected systems. The internet was built for connectivity, not security. And, as IT systems become more complex, the associated risks continue to increase. 

Cyber threat actors are gaining more sophisticated tools, techniques and procedures (TTPs) which are outpacing stand-alone security solutions. It is not surprising they are able get past disparate and uncoordinated defenses. These incursions are not conducted as isolated attempts. They are often multi-year campaigns targeting valuable, sensitive data. 

As you can imagine, these attacks have many business implications — brand reputation, lost revenue, etc. Some of the more infamous breaches in recent years had serious impacts. The most notable in the last two years touched retail, government, healthcare, and even political campaigns. But, it doesn’t end there. Less known breaches have compromised intellectual property, large contracts, customer lists and any of several other assets.

How do companies protect themselves? This paper discusses how an intelligence-driven security program gives your company or agency a fighting chance to stay ahead of ever-changing threats. It provides a holistic view of the threat landscape, insight into what is relevant to you, and a proactive posture to protect your institution. 

Cybersecurity must evolve into a platform-based, intelligence-driven approach to identify, manage and blocks threats faster to effectively manage cyber risk. Every organisation will need to centrally compile their threat data, analyse it to determine what threats are most relevant, and then automate their security processes. For many global organisations, an in-memory computing platform will be necessary to process the volumes of data at a speed as fast as adversaries operate.

The report covers: 

  • Your security risk: growing in size and complexity 
  • Why traditional cybersecurity is failing
  • Designing your architecture to increase efficiency and reduce complexity
  • Real-world use case 