How to maintain cyber hygiene while using Microsoft Office 365

How to maintain cyber hygiene while using Microsoft Office 365

In this webinar, brought to you in partnership with Mimecast, we'll be talking about mitigating cyber risks specific to Office 365

Within this current climate, it is important to ensure you enact proper cyber hygiene habits, whether you are working from home, are on the road or back in the office, as during these current times there has been a high spike in phishing scams, especially for users using Office 365 as well as higher regulatory compliance needs. Especially as Office 365 suites store large amounts of data including sensitive data.  Businesses cannot afford to be lax with regard to cyber threats, as they are timely and costly.

Join J. Peter Bruzzese to discover ways to mitigate the risks that come with using Office 365:

  • How to establish cyber hygiene within your organisation

  • Layering solutions to help secure your data

  • Protecting against cyber threats such as phishing, ransomware and impersonation
