Before you spend another penny on cyber-security – have you got your foundations right?

Before you spend another penny on cyber-security – have you got your foundations right?

In order to build a solid and secure business, you need to start with strong foundations

If you don't establish a solid base to build your cyber-security from, your efforts may not yield the positive results you anticipated.

You wouldn’t build your house on sand, but if your expensive new IT tools are installed on shaky security foundations your organisation could be swept away in the next wave of cyber-attacks. 

Prioritise common weaknesses, ensure reliable file integrity; enable efficient change monitoring and system hardening; engage in effective vulnerability management – and don’t neglect log management. 

This webinar will show you how. And with a solid foundation in place, you can then go out and spend on the latest AI toys, safe in the knowledge you aren’t doing so without having already covered the essentials.

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