Automating and orchestrating your threat intelligence programme

Automating and orchestrating your threat intelligence programme

Threat intelligence comes from a variety of disparate sources, with organisations need to pull them together to get a unified picture of the threat landscape; increasingly this can be achieved using automation and AI to maximise usage of scarce expert human resources for decision making and response.

Threat intelligence comes from a variety of disparate sources, with organisations need to pull them together to get a unified picture of the threat landscape; increasingly this can be achieved using automation and AI to maximise usage of scarce expert human resources for decision making and response.

In this webinar we’ll discuss:

  • What sorts of threat intelligence sources should you be utilising  - including how does data differ from intelligence?

  • How can this process be automated and integrated when it can range from internal end-point logs to social-media monitoring?

  • Is there an optimum number of data sources?  Is more information better, or does it just become noise?

  • What are the criteria for triage - important versus urgent? And what’s business critical?

  • How do you orchestrate your systems to decide what can be responded to automatically, and what requires human intervention?

  • Forward looking discussion on how far AI can go in the decision-making process - if it can handle more data, make fewer mistakes, and eventually surpass human intelligence, shouldn’t the whole process be automated? Is there an ethical and business case dimension?

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