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Ransomware 2021: the truth behind ransomware payments

Ransomware 2021: the truth behind ransomware payments

In part two of this ransomware special, Davey Winder talks to experts about ransomware payments: the mechanics, negotiation tactics, cryptocurrency transfers, ethics and business continuity... You need to pay attention!

In response to the Colonial Pipeline ransomware attack, UK home secretary Priti Patel told the CyberUK 2021 conference: “The government has a strong position against paying ransoms to criminals, including when targeted by ransomware. It will not protect networks from future attacks, nor will it prevent the possibility of future data leaks. In fact, paying a ransom is likely to encourage criminals to continue to use this approach.” 

The FBI has issued similar warnings concerning not paying ransoms. But the truth is that life, and business, is not that simple. 
